Bryn Mawr’s Department of Anthropology offers courses on a wide range of topics in cultural and linguistic anthropology, archaeology, and biological anthropology.
Anthropology News
Find out how one Anthropology major has put their Bryn Mawr Anthropology training to work outside the classroom.

Our faculty members conduct research in the Americas, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and West Africa. Topically, our specialties include medicine, infertility, and reproductive technologies; the development of agriculture and political-economic organization; the evolution of modern human growth and development; music, sound, and performance; and migration, politics, and local-global economies.

Contact Us
Department of Anthropology
Dalton Hall
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5030
Fax: 610-526-5655